Tetris.Menu introduction
The new Binance Smart Chain TETRIS platform is ready!
Tetris team invites you to take part in yield-farming, which is built on LP’s and a new Pancake-based web-platform with everything you need inside
Tetris.menu has its own tokens named Tetris(TTR), our users get the opportunity to exchange tokens, pool and add liquidity directly on the site
1.Swap — 2.Pool — 3.Farm
It has never been so easy before
Final Tetris(TTR) supply is 20,000 coins:
-18,000 of them have already been irreversible-transferred to farm pools
- 1,000 of them have already been supplied by developer as starting liquidity and will never be used for farming
- 500 of them will be airdropped as soon as farm starts
- 500 last will be used as a reserve for new possible pool or collaboration
No mint function, owned and controlled by nobody, burnable.
All Tetris Smart Contracts are public and verified by Etherscan.io
Tetris(TTR) contract address is “0x7924AFD2b21Caf0AB09e53CC91CDeC0761Db99B4”
Dev.or any address can’t control or mint ANY TTR- NO mint function+owned by 0x0000000000
TTR coin is absolutely secured by logic.
You can check owner in “Read contract” section,
Also,navigating to “Holders” page right there will show all holders.:
Let’s review our pools at start:
-1 Main pool For TTR itself+
-4 Big-ones(USDT,BUSD,BTCB,ETH)+
- 4 Coin-pools(EOS,CAKE,LINK,DOT)
We tried to choose the pairs mostly preferred by BSC users.
So, below we attach the allocation of Tetris tokens to each of the pools and the addresses of the contracts used:
(18k out of 20k Supply)
-BNB-TTR LP -8000 0x439846b8f944aaa6e08e5681be60cb0bf8b2cad8
— BNB-USDT LP -1000 0xed16f0387743f331b3dec0d2b340b423a304033b
— BNB-BUSD LP -1000 0x2c8899962916aa82c84c1dc51405820c262f6a40
— BNB-BTCB LP -1000 0x3bcfb5f0e7882d9cc932da04874a6df3ba62c03d
— BNB-ETH LP -1000 0xdd8ca1e9d41705e09b17d1f179ff2fc4b1785d68
— -BNB-EOS LP -1500 0x5e9815ed7013691d4ec7c6205aec59bf9c3e416b
— -BNB-CAKE LP -1500 0x9b49056404bea6352480dbd72f5660b92e2da294
— -BNB-LINK LP -1500 0x4b58a0a34930630d58cf8b3edb9679aebd1a25c7
— -BNB-DOT LP -1500 0x0f7fb1da00e77591e653bdd1aacab320235e829e
Tetris team will only receive 5% among all TTR farmed. These tokens will be used to contribute the dev.team and future development.
Web: https://Tetris.menu
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/TetrisMenu
Telegram news: https://t.me/TetrisMenuMain
Chat: https://t.me/TetrisMenuChat
If you have serious problems or found any bug -we share you Main dev. TG contact: https://t.me/TetrisMenu
Let’s play some Tetris!=)